25 May 2022 – The Annual General Meeting for Ornamental Fish International (OFI) was held at Interzoo on 24th May, attended by a large contingent of members at the event, as well as members unable to attend the event in person attending online from members around the world
This year there were 5 Executiuve Board member positions up for re-election, including: Shane Willis (President of OFI) – National Aquaculture Training Institute Pty Ltd, (Australia), Svein A. Fosså (Vice president) – Akvariekonsulenten (Norway), Dr Tim Miller-Morgan – Oregon University (USA), Lim Meng Huat – Apollo Aquarium (Singapore), Ekembra Koroye – Avis Aquarium Supply (Nigeria). All were re-elected unopposed.
There were 2 Board of Advisors position up for reelection with Ran Epsteen – Colors (Israel) re-elected and a new candidate Ike Peng – Aquababe (China) elected unopposed.
As well as a the normal business the AGM featured 3 presentations discussing the challenges our industry faces globally and within the EU, as well as un update of what impact COVID-19 has had on the aquarium industry in terms of international.
Re-elected President of OFI, Mr Shane Willis commented “Its great to have the support of our members in our Executive and Board of Advisors. The past 3 years have been challenging for our industry and the world. Rising freight costs, and lack of flights have made it difficult for many of our members, and now due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine we see further pressure on freight and fuel costs which causes uncertainty and more pressure to our markets. However, we have seen significant increases in the demand for aquarium fish and related products over the past 3 years which is very positive for us.”