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The People in Front

  No matter what the organization, the people involved in making it work are its greatest asset. OFI is a not for profit organization with many of the key personnel working on a largely volunteer basis. 

  This page is dedicated to our hard working board members, advisors and staff - without them we would not have an organization.

Executive Board Members

  The OFI Executive Board is responsible for setting policy and direction of OFI and are elected from amongst the Board of Advisors. Our Executive Board includes industry leaders from around the world and from various sectors of the industry.

Shane Willis - President

National Aquaculture Training Institute, Australia.

  Shane has worked within the ornamental fish industry for the majority of his working life, starting out working at his family's tropical fish farm in Australia, to working in import/wholesale, retail and export around the world. Shane has also provided consulting and training services to a number of projects in Australia, Asia and the Caribbean. He is currently the Managing Director of National Aquaculture Training Institute Pty Ltd.


Svein A. Fosså - Vice President

Akvariekonsulenten, Norway

  Svein has a long history of working in many trade organizations including being a past President of OFI. He is the driving force behind OFI's work within CITES. Svein currently works as a consultant in the industry as well, as being an officeholder for European Pet Organization and Norwegian Pet Association.


Jonathan Poh 

Secretary General

  Hailing from Singapore, Jonathan is no stranger to the aquarium industry having been a passionate hobbyist for many years.  Jonathan graduated  with a Bachelor Degree in Aquaculture and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). His work experience includes Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) and an adjunct/sessional lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic and James Cook University Singapore for courses relating to Aquaculture.


Sandy Moore

Segrest Farms Inc, USA

Sandy has a long history in the aquarium and is currently President of Segrest Inc and is heavily engaged with PIAA and their Aquatics group. Sandy has previously been the Vice president of OFI and is a valued member of the Executive Board.


Lim Meng Huat

Apollo Ornamental Pte Ltd , Singapore

  Meng is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Apollo Ornamental Pte Ltd. He is also appointed as the chairman of the ornamental fish business cluster and the key objective is to reinforce Singapore's position as an ornamental fish export centre. Meng is also appointed as an adjunct lecturer in Temasek Polytechnic to teach aquaculture related topics.


Ekembra Koroye

Avis Aquarium Supply, Nigeria

 Mr.Eskembra Koroye is the president of Avis Aquarium Supply Ltd,Lagos Nigeria.He has been in the Ornamental Fish Industy for 27 years now.


Dr Tim Miller-Morgan

Oregon State University, USA

  Dr. Miller-Morgan is an aquatic veterinarian, biologist and educator. He directs the Oregon Sea Grant - Aquatic Animal Health Program at Oregon State University, and  has over 30 years of experience in aquatic animal medicine, husbandry and education. The last 20 years have been primarily focused on fish and aquatic invertebrates, providing outreach, education and clinical consulting to the aquarium fish industry and public aquariums, throughout the North and South America, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. 


Chrishantha Alexander

Seylon Aquatics (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka

  Chrishantha has a solid background in the industry having started working for John Keells Aquariums in 1993 where he was promoted up to Senior Marketing Executive. He established his own export business in 2003 which has been an OFI member for over 10 years. Chrishantha is currently the president of Association of Live Tropical Fish Exporters of Sri Lanka. 


OFI Staff

  The OFI Staff help get the work done. Led by our Secretary General they carry out the day to day running. All our staff are part-time but are dedicated to providing the best service possible to members, please do not hesitate to reach out for their assistance.

Administration -     

Petra van den Enden, The Netherlands

Petra has been working with financials for over 30 years, and likes to keep everything clear and simple. The bookkeeping is in good hands with her. She lives in the middle of the Netherlands, loves to sing, and likes to take long walks in nature.

EU Affairs Officer-

Nathalie Gamain,Brussels



  Nathalie has been evolving for nearly twenty (20) years within the aquarium industry. Her work experiences with various international organizations (NGOs, public aquariums, design office) has enabled Nathalie to collaborate with the entire chain of custody from oceans to aquariums, including aquaculture facilities, exporters, importers, transhipppers, retailers and hobbyists, mainly in North America, Europe and Asia. With such industry background and understanding, she has been representing OFI in Brussels since 2016.

Journal Editor-

Dr Tracey King,  England

Contact via the secretariat.


Tracey is no stranger to our industry, having worked at OATA in the UK and published articles on our industry in scientific journals. While this is her first gig as an editor of a journal, she is a highly skilled academic writer and brings new skills and perspectives to OFI.

Graphic Designer -

Monique Gilling, The Netherlands.

International Marketing-

Dr Mini Sekharan,India

Board of Advisors

Frank de Goey

Ruinemans Aquarium

The Netherlands

Michiko Kamihata

 Kamihata  Fish Industry Ltd


Francisco Pin Lombardi

Stingray Aquarium


Mikael Hakansson

 Imazoo AB


Ofer Carmeli



Ike Peng



                                                                      Ye-Hao Wang

 Larmax International  


Rajanta Sinardja Rahardja

CV Bellenz


Contact us:

our office hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Singapore time)


Whatsapp: +6582231434


Ornamental Fish International

Computerweg 16

3821AB Amersfoort

The Netherlands

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